Mousse won the Grand Champions class and BOB both shows at Gold Coast on 12/31/05.
Mousse won the Grand Champions class, BOB and a Group 3 at
the Boykin Shows on 12/3/05.
Mousse won the Grand Champions class and BISS at ULRA Specialty in
October 2005.
Mousse won the Grand Champion class and BOB in
September 2005.
Mousse won the Veterans class, Champions class and BISS at ULRA Specialty in
April 2005 for his GRCH.
Mousse won the Champions class, BOB and a Group 4 on April 16th.
Mousse won the Champions class, BOB and a Group 2 on April 9th.
won the Veterans class, the Hunting Retriever class and Champions class at ULRA Specialty in
Oct 2004.
received Best of Breed Veteran and a Group 4 Veteran in Sept 2004!!!
finished his UKC Championship on May 2nd 2004.
Go old man!!!
finished his Championship going WD, BOW & BOB over specials for
a 5
point major - in July 2003!!!